Let's make banking fair

We use banks every day. Paying for groceries. Saving for a home.

But a royal commission has shown banks don't always treat us fairly.

Tell politicians to fix the banks for good.

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Let's fix the banks for good

We think banks should put our interests first, not just their own.

Here's what we're asking the government to support

  • Hold bank bosses to account

  • Compensation for victims

  • End self-regulation

  • Fix financial advice

  • Fair mortgage broking

  • Close loopholes

CHOICE has been in there from day one of the royal commission, fighting for consumers like you – and it has paid off.

The final report released by the commission slammed the banks and called for a major overhaul of how banking is run. The report said that "sales became all important. Those who dealt with customers became sellers."

The federal government has announced they will be introducing important law reforms that will protect people from the banks. It's now up to us to hold the government to account to ensure they follow through on their promises.

After dozens of high-profile banking scandals in Australia, people pushed our politicians for a formal inquiry - a royal commission.

The full title is a mouthful: the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.

The year-long investigation shone a light on poor conduct in the industry and put forward strong solutions to help make the system work better for all Australians.

Who's hurt by bad banking behaviour?

Three of almost 3000 stories people shared with us.

Our adviser took $160K. We lost everything

Becky*, Bad financial advice

Read more about Becky's story

My son was sent bankrupt by irresponsible lending

Hugh*, Personal loans

Read more about Hugh's story

We were left sleeping in squalor by claim denial

Jasmin*, Insurance

Read more about Jasmin's story

Join CHOICE to fix the banks for good

How did banking get so bad?

Royal commission timeline

  • Royal commission called

    CHOICE invited to report on people's experiences with financial services.

  • CHOICE makes our report

    We share almost 3000 people's stories with the commission.

  • First public hearings begin

    We put forward solutions to fix banks' irresponsible lending.

  • Commission's initial findings

    Time to pressure our politicians.

  • Commission releases final report

    The Commission slams the banks and recommends strong reforms that will make banking fairer.

  • Time for action

    Add your name and help us keep the pressure on the government to fix our banks for good.


Over 19,653 voices added. Let's get to 25,000!

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